Tuesday, January 31, 2012

'Na vasha zdoroviya' ('To your health') a.k.a. Cheers!

Happy Birthday Grandad (Ray)!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Beach trip? In January?" (In python-esque tone)

M & F at Beachfront, on Brighton/ Hove Border

Little were we to know at the time, that this shot could easily have been taken in June '12!

Monday, January 09, 2012

Trial post using blogger iPhone app

How well does thing work

Test post

postscript (after checking): very well apparently, although photos function didn't work using via iPad.  Wonder if/ how this will affect blog posting productivity ...

post postscript (!) photos didn't work because that option was for 'camera' and my iPad 'don't got a camera'. Actual add picture function works fine. Thank you Blogger (you took your time! Have been waiting 18 months for this app)

Sunday, January 08, 2012

2012 Health Odyssey Mark II: Well-Being (a.k.a 'Self +' )

It's a shame it took a gob-shite ex-footballer to kick-start my latest pseudo-intellectuo-philosophical line of enquiry. In a recent interview, when asked why none of the medals or trophies from his glittering career were on display at his home, Eric Cantona replied that he did not want to be a prisoner of his memories.

My initial reactions were Wow! Such self-restraint. What few achievements I perceive myself to have, I am more than happy to share when the opportunity arises. Secondly, Who is this man? And what lengths does he go to, to create an aura around his persona (think back to his famous press statement: "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea" - google it).

Surely, we are all 'prisoners' (sic. products) of our memories (sic. past) aren't we? Well, perhaps I will find out in my 2012 Health Odyssey Mark II: Well-Being. My instinct on this is that, perhaps it is the extent to which we are locked in/ defined by/ harking for/ blocking out the past that creates the imbalance that may tip us towards happiness (or unhappiness); towards satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) with our place in the world (the present). And it is of course our present (at a basic and non astrophysical/ non-philosophical level) that shapes our future. A scenario to provide an example: young child perceives change in level of attention it is receiving. young child internalises accompanying hurt feelings. hurt feelings are never noticed/ acknowledged at the conscious level and so become hard-wired as a sense that something is missing. Child turns into adult. Mature adult eventually acquires insight to acknowledge underlying sense of loss - which is hard-wired and needs re-setting. Now, keeping your trophies and accolades in a box in the loft is one thing, but how on earth does an individual extricate them self from that organic process in neurosynaptic development? The child is of course me - but this is not my version of my story. It was the counsellor I spent time with post-divorce who posed the above scenario, while helping me deal with my emotions around the rejection of my cheating ex-wife.

So where does one take this kind of information? After a successful health odyssey in 2011, where my goals to address weight gain and my relationship with alcohol were achieved, I am feeling quite confident that I can shift my attention towards a broader sense of enhanced mental (sic. emotional) well-being. There is nothing much wrong with me now - I just want to improve myself, and how I see my place in the world. Of course, I am not expecting the same kind of success in the same kind of timeline as last year's goals - I do not believe for one second that re-setting my hard-wiring will be as straightforward as abstinence, or calorie counting and exercise. But I feel a strong sense for the need to give it a try. Time will tell, to what extent this requires me to extricate myself from my past and past practices ... "Engage".

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Hmmmmm yum yum Paperless rocks my world!

... will I ever be forgiven for using my 40th Birthday Amazon gift voucher to get this bad boy, instead of the camera ...


: - )

Sunday, January 01, 2012

The Future. Today*.

A little something to get the juices flowing on all those creative New Year's resolutions!

Introducing the Throwball Panoramic Camera! 'Wa wa wiwah'!

And something more practical, IMHO, the Lytro light-field camera:

Lytro lets you take pictures like never before. Unlike a conventional camera that captures a single plane of light, the Lytro camera captures the entire light field, which is all the light traveling in every direction in every point in space. 

Focus after the fact. Since you'll capture the color, intensity, and direction of all the light, you can experience the first major light field capability - focusing after the fact. Focus and re-focus, anywhere in the picture. You can refocus your pictures at anytime, after the fact.

And focusing after the fact, means no auto-focus motor. No auto-focus motor means no shutter delay. So, capture the moment you meant to capture not the one a shutter-delayed camera captured for you. 

A prosperous, healthy, loving and Happy New Year to you x

* Well not quite today actually, since one of these is not on sale yet, and the other still seeks investors! That's all good, though as it gives me time to save, Waaaaaaaaah.