Thursday, May 31, 2012


Easy as 1 ...

2 ...

3 ...

Kids today, eh -- Felix' preparation for his school's "Crazy Hair Day" .. not sure of the educational value of that one but there you go. 'In my day ...'. No I won't go there, I feel old enough as it is already. He wanted blue - which was very promptly veto-ed ...

"Chris Hughton's Green & Yella army .."

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Breaded Baked Fish Melee

Herb rich, rosemary & thyme covered baked cod, garlic, roasted aubergine and cherry tomatoes. Can't find recipe to share but this was pretty delicious, even if I do say so myself.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


No, not the footballer. Chichester, and it's famous 1,000 yrs plus and counting Cathedral - only the oldest cathedral on the south coast, dating back to the 800s and viking times apparently. By complete coincidence, we chanced upon an RAF chapel inside where - at that time - it seemed appropriate to light a candle and say a prayer. Who knows, it may just have worked too x

'QT' for M & Me, on an adult day out to nearby Chichester

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Junior Master Chef 2012?!


Felix cooks dinner for the first time .. Pizza of course .. but with a twist .. adventurous little soul. Veggie sausage Calzone .. yum yum.

"Not bad for a 10 year old, eh?!"

Absolutely. Thanks (not so) little man. First of many .. we parents can but live in hope

Saturday, May 05, 2012

About Viewing Photos On this Blog

Good News - You no longer have to scroll down endlessly through pix that are uploaded - instead, clicking on the first photo in the series will open up a gallery that makes viewing multiple images in a post a lot faster and more user friendly. 

Thanks Google.